MDMA Doesn’t Have to Be Followed By a Comedown
Though there’s no doubt some people feel like ass the day after rolling, a growing body of research says it’s not the molly that did it — it’s everything else
Are Small Dicks Better for Anal, or Is That a Big Lie?
It’s understandable why some people would think a little wiener would fit better, but it’s a bit more complicated than that
Is a Successful Diet Merely a Calorie Tracker Away?
Whether it’s as basic as a Google spreadsheet or as sophisticated as an app like Noom, is just knowing what — and specifically, how much — you’re eating the difference between a diet that takes and one that doesn’t?
What Can I Do About the Hole in My Pants?
With the right attitude and know-how, slacks torn asunder by wear-and-tear can actually be an opportunity to make them better than ever before