Tasha Reign
Tasha Reign is an adult actress and patron of the art of dating, love, and everything sex related. She has given a decade of her life to the sex industry and gone on enough dates for all of Los Angeles combined. Ask her your questions and she'll do personal research to provide her best answers. She can be reached at Tashareign1@gmail.com.
Why Does the Devil’s Threesome Seem So Much Less Common?
Tasha Reign explains the hangups guys feel when it comes to MMF threesomes — and why their invisibility is so unfair
I’m a Small Guy With a Big Dick. Which Size Matters?
Where are those few extra inches more important — in height or below the waistline?
I’m a Porn Star With Huge Boobs. Titty-Fucking Is Overrated.
It may look great in my scenes, but in real life it can be a drag