
When Exactly Did Having Big Feet Also Mean You Have a Big Dick?

Science says there’s no little to no correlation, but the connection was always much more about not having tiny lady feet than anything else

Supposedly, These Foods Will Grow Your Dick

Every now and then, some guru or herbalist claims eating foods like bananas and salmon can transform your inch worm into a prize-winning hog. Is there any truth to this, or do we all just need a slice of humble pie?

The Best Male Enhancement Pills That Don’t Require a Prescription

No pill you buy from Walgreens or a gas station is going to be 100 percent safe and effective, but some contain ingredients known to more reputable and effective than others

The Ever-Blooming Obsession With the Cambodian Penis Plant

Unbeknownst to it, the endangered plant has become the topic of such intense fervor and fixation that it’s taken the world by storm