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Jeff Gross

Jeff Gross is MEL’s senior editor for social media and content marketing. His daily ICYMI column, which chronicles all things meta on the site, is the quickest way to catch up on MEL, and the funniest thing you’ll read all day. Follow him on Twitter.

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ICYMI: ISIS: A Love Story, Flirting on the ‘Gram and a Plea to Bring Back ‘Icing’

We’ve all read stories about “ISIS brides,” i.e., Western women who have fallen in love with jihadists on social media and traveled to Syria and…

ICYMI: Boots Riley and the Summer’s Best Satire, the Barefoot is Legal Movement and A Boyfriend’s…

ICYMI: Boots Riley and the Summer’s Best Satire, the Barefoot is Legal Movement and A Boyfriend’s Guide to Lady Farts

ICYMI: The Cannabis Industry’s Bias Problem, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Tummy Troubles and Menstruation…

ICYMI: The Cannabis Industry’s Bias Problem, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Tummy Troubles and Menstruation Indoctrination