
Bigfoot Is a Jaguar: Reddit’s Outdoor Paranormal Communities Are the Perfect Quarantine Deep-Dive Binge

After a few hours in r/Missing411 and r/TheTruthIsOutThere, you’ll be glad you’re stuck indoors

Can My Dog Get Coronavirus? The WHO Has Good News

The World Health Organization has just now come out stating that, as far as they can tell, there’s no real evidence that our companion animals — dogs and cats, at least — can be infected by the new coronavirus, or COVID-19

Does Not Vaccinating My Dog Make Me an Anti-Vaxxer?

Advice from a veterinarian, the Minister of Happiness for the Veterinary Information Network and the president of the British Veterinary Association

Braces for Dogs Aren’t as Dicey as They Seem

Without some orthodontic help, some pooches could be looking at an unwanted fang through the snout