Who made a bigger embarrassment in corporate governance this week, YouTube or Major League Baseball? I mean, YouTube deciding this was the week to ban its worst actors, after years and years of raking in cash monetizing and algorithmically promoting their videos in your feeds, was pretty bad. But, at the same time, MLB stating that it can’t install netting around its ballparks because of “structural issues” and don’t want to because “fans are vocal about the fact that they don’t want to sit behind nets” — not even a week after a four-year-old was rushed to the hospital after taking a fall ball to the head — is pretty awful, too.
Fuck people, I guess.
Must Read
“It’s Too Late for YouTube to Save Itself”
This week, YouTube announced plans “to remove thousands of videos and channels that advocate neo-Nazism, white supremacy and other bigoted ideologies,” per the New York Times. A day late and a dollar short, argues Miles Klee. Considering that, over the site’s 14 years of operation, YouTube has given oxygen to (and even more outrageously, monetized) Sandy Hook truthers, anti-vaxxers and even pedophiles, if it had truly wanted to effectively combat hate, it would have done so from the beginning. Sadly, though, the damage is already done. READ MORE
Home is Where the Mishegas Is
Jews have long proved themselves a people immune from division, politically speaking, generally leaning to the left because they see themselves as a cultural and ethnic minority. But since the rise of Trump, that solidarity has begun to splinter, with some Jews migrating across the political spectrum to support the administration’s policies toward Israel and against Muslims. And much like the rest of America, that has left many a Jewish dinner table divided.
Even Working Stiffs Need to Pay the Bills
For male porn stars, the adult film industry can be feast or famine. Unfortunately, the vast majority of men in porn fall into the latter camp, with struggling performers reduced to taking gigs with low-end or disreputable producers for as low as $200. That’s no way to live, and as female stars have transitioned from relying on studio shoots to DIY modes of distributing their content, very little coverage has been dedicated to how guys are hacking out a living in the modern pornscape — until now.
Neighbors From Hell
You haven’t truly lived until you’ve had a shitty neighbor situation. Whatever the external issue, as a psychologist explains, the problem is that they care more about the things they want than whatever the people living around them want, which makes dealing with them impossible. Well, nearly impossible, because she has some suggestions.
You Thought White Meat Was Good for You, Did Ya?
Bad news, chickens: White meat isn’t the white knight your granny told you it was. For decades, nutritionists have claimed that red meat is less healthy than the white stuff. But a new study kinda throws a wrench in this theory, showing that white meat, and particularly poultry, can up your cholesterol the same way a slab of N.Y. strip can.
Brace Your Eyes
Orthokeratology is a new, cutting-edge therapy that does away with lasers and glasses to bring perfect vision to the nearsighted. Utilizing special corrective lenses — or, as more than a few have referred to them, “eye braces” — optometrists are able to reshape the surprisingly malleable cornea giving patients the ability to see better than 20/20. Unfortunately, that freedom comes with some notable tradeoffs.
Safety In Numbers
r/SmallDickProblems, which has more than 17,000 subscribers, is a safe space for the not-so-well endowed, filled with people sharing deeply personal stories, seeking some semblance of support and venting about societal expectations.
Anyone else here feel like they completely lost the genetic lottery? from smalldickproblems
For the men of r/SmallDickProblems, knowing they’re not alone can be therapeutic. But the subreddit also underscores the fact that, no matter how much people try to downplay it, size DOES matter.