I’m gonna do everyone a favor and skip the part where I vamp on the qualities and characteristics of “good pussy” — Madeleine Holden and the 30 men and two queer women she interviewed on the topic are going to go ahead and cover that for me. Instead, I’ll show you what good pussy looks like:

Honestly — have you ever seen a better pussy?
Must Read
“A Conversation Between Black Men of Different Generations About Dating White Women”
Since the abolition of slavery, an unavoidable subtext, to put it mildly, has overshadowed relationships between black men and white women whether platonic, romantic or purely sexual: How much of this is because he’s black, and she’s white? Zaron Burnett III took a look at the unique dynamic between black men and white women through the context of American history, cultural taboos and our entrenched social hierarchies, and spoke to five black men of various ages about their own experiences dating outside their race. READ MORE
Where There’s Smoke There’s ‘Fags’
Smoke Week continues today with an in-depth look at the quirk of linguistics that still allows for the anti-gay epithet “fag” to be used willfully and often in the U.K. when describing a cigarette, despite that word being all but canceled everywhere else in the English-speaking world.
Falling Through the Flames
Pro wrestling has a long history of safely using fire to enhance its spectacle. But where precautions are a bit more lax — such as in indie and backyard wrestling — no stunt is as famous as a powerbomb through a flaming table.
This chapter of my career with @facdaniels has been full of surprises and I am better for it.
It ended tonight. Thank you Dallas. pic.twitter.com/amvLutG6Ld
— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) November 19, 2017
Pussy So Good
Ever had sex with a girl and thought to yourself, “Damn, that’s a good pussy”? But what exactly did you mean by that? Was it wetness, tightness or appearance, or is Good Pussy more of an experience type of thing, and less quantifiable?
As Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said in the landmark obscenity case Jacobellis v. Ohio, “I know good pussy when I see it” https://t.co/Y5YHRI5pnH
— MEL Magazine (@WeAreMel) April 17, 2019
Madeleine Holden investigates.
The Great Sicilian Rice Ball Debate
On the island of Sicily, a very Italian war of words is taking place over a very Italian subject: Food. Namely, how to refer to one of the island’s favorite snacks, fried balls of cheesy rice known as arancini. At least, that pluralized form of the masculine arancino is what they call them on one side of Sicily. On the other, they use the feminine form, arancine. And apparently, using the wrong word variant in the wrong place or context can land you in a great ball of trouble.
‘One Chicken Salad with a Side of Hypertension, Please’
Technically speaking, salads are supposed to be good for you. “Supposed to,” because as we all know by now, fast-food brands will never — ever — allow us to eat something that is good for us. In fact, they’re going to do everything in their considerable power to ensure not only that a fucking salad is bad for you, but that, if you decide to order one, you’ll want to eat MOAR as soon as fucking possible. And how they do this — bastards! — is by loading the thing with as much salt as your little heart can take.
Tiger’s Cubs
This past weekend, Tiger Woods made history by winning the Masters at famed Augusta National for the first time since 2005 after years of personal, legal and physical setbacks. In celebrating his dominating win, much hay was made in sports media when Woods embraced his son, Charlie, in nearly the same spot off the 18th green he had hugged his late father, Earl, 22 years earlier when he won his first Masters. Strangely, though, the media almost completely ignored the other emotional hug that defined Woods’ celebration — the one with his daughter, Sam.
Everyone is talking about the moment between @TigerWoods hugging his son after he won #themasters2019 bc of the clip of him hugging his dad at his 1st win. Just as important: how he hugs his daughter. Congrats, Tiger! You did good today-on & off the green pic.twitter.com/FE8M0JDxBg
— Kelly Witherbee (@kwitherb) April 14, 2019
Who’s Got Time For Titties When White Walkers Are Coming?
If there’s one thing Game of Thrones is known for, it’s tits. And ass. And, of course, incest. In fact, HBO’s tentpole medieval fantasy epic is basically softcore porn with the occasional battle, violent murder or snarling dragon mixed in. However, now that we’re in Season 8 and the actual story is about to tie up its considerable loose ends, no matter how badly we’d otherwise like to see Bronn get his freak on for the hundredth time, can we first deal with the rampaging undead army hellbent on wiping out all of Westeros? Please and thx.
Sun’s Out, Dong’s Out
In the millennia-long obsession with making our dicks bigger, leave it to the bodybuilding community to come up with the most “so crazy it just might work” method yet: Letting your dick soak in the sun. Allow one registered user of bodybuilding.com’s message boards to explain the rationale [sic throughout]:
Yes, that sounds… interesting. We asked a urologist whether this was possible, or just another dick pie in the sky.