
Would Tony Soprano Be a MAGA Guy?

Is Tony pro-Trump? If so, would he vote for him? It's a divisive, surprisingly complicated question that's consumed the 'Sopranos' fandom

How Diapers Became an Icon of Modern Political Discourse

There's more to the meme than conservative groups protesting in Depends. In this day and age, we're all a mewling bunch of stubborn, shameless, self-soiling infants

Lunatics: The Men Who Loathe the Moon

For these guys, all a full moon does is further intensify their resentment toward Earth’s partner in the sky

The ‘Ratio’ Is the Next Great American Sport

If there's one thing that will unite this country, it's telling egomaniacal billionaire presidential wannabes like Howard Schultz to get bent. This is what direct democracy looks like in 2019