
My Waking Nightmare Aboard a Startup Company’s Sleeper Bus

There’s an awkward distance of 400 miles between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and I’ve covered it just about every way that a vagabond can….

The Economics of Pod Living, ‘A Social Network Come to Life’

Is it worth $1,800 a month to live in a glorified youth hostel?

This Is How Gross a Plane’s Air Is by the End of a Flight

For most air travelers, the real concern isn’t crashing, being hijacked or, y’know, snakes — it’s the germ-ridden in-flight air supply. We’ve all sat next to someone…

One Crucial Piece of Airplane Etiquette We Neglected to Mention

We recently received some negative feedback on our story from a couple weeks ago concerning airplane etiquette. While the reader enjoyed the article overall, he…