
Bring Back the Ringtone

The latest iPhone might be made of surgical-grade steel and have beyond-DSLR photo specs, but if one rings in a room full of iPhones, can…

ICYMI: Men and Their Minivans, the Evolution of the Slim Jim and Your Doctor’s Gross-Ass Lab Coat

Back in my awkward years growing up in L.A., my parents hired this large-adult-son/UCLA student to babysit me. I’m at a loss to explain why—when…

Rock ’n’ Old: Why the Age Gap Between Rock Stars and Their Fans Has Never Been Wider

Popular rock bands are now far older than their pop and hip-hop peers, which completely changes how we relate to them as listeners

Why Aretha Franklin Was So Good at Making Men Cry

What was it about the Queen of Soul that made Obama—and so many other guys—break down in tears?