Worship My Feet, Bro: The Hyper-Masculine World of #JockFeet
Straight alpha jocks are teasing the living hell out of gay foot fetishists with their stinky, smelly stompers. What's gotten into them?
Oh, God, So Many People Are Getting It On in a Church
In a world where kink-shaming is frowned upon, is fooling around in a place of worship the final horny frontier?
The Men Who Masturbate With Bengay and IcyHot
They won’t stop until they feel the burn
Medical Fetishists Are Donating Their Role-Play PPE So Doctors and Nurses Can Survive the Coronavirus
They’ve been remarkably generous about turning over their scrubs, gloves and face masks to local doctors and hospitals. But isn't something seriously wrong when the government is counting on kinksters to save us from a global pandemic?