How the Switch from the Sit-Up to the Crunch Created the Ab-Scam Industry
In the 1990s, the prevailing wisdom around the sit-up changed and the crunch became en vogue, primarily for spinal health reasons. It also made the exercise easier — both to perform and for grifters to capitalize upon
The Controversial World of ‘Sissy Recovery’ Groups
Convinced that sissy hypno porn has ‘manipulated’ them into liking men, cross-dressing and becoming trans, guys are turning to the problematic ‘feminization recovery’ industry for help
How Bagel Bites Took a (Tiny) Bite Out of Snacking History
What happens when a simple, innovative idea meets two hardworking families who will do anything to follow their dreams? A miniature, delicious pizza-bagel, of course
Stop Worrying About What Old Movies Couldn’t Be Made Today
Tom Nichols’ lament about ‘Pulp Fiction’ in the age of Cancel Culture is a reminder that films are made for their moment — and that reappraising them as times change is healthy, not censorious