I Tried to Keep the Spark Alive with Clitter, a Lube That’s Also a Glitter Bomb
Is there a better way to do so than by literally filling my vagina with sparkles?
1997 Was the Dawn of the Modern School Shooting
Two years before Columbine, the nation first reckoned with an unprecedented four school attacks carried out by aggrieved teenage boys — a type of shooting we’re all too familiar with today
Why Some Women Can’t Get the Life-Saving Medication They Need in a Post-Roe World
Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a number of women and girls in conservative states have been denied medications like methotrexate to treat serious medical conditions such as lupus because they could theoretically harm a fetus
The Minnesota Cop Who Crashed His Patrol Car into a UFO
In 1979, a sheriff’s deputy in rural Minnesota encountered what he could only describe as an unidentified flying object. And no expert, investigator or engineer could ever prove him wrong