
Kogonada Is Totally Fine with Never Finding Truth

Not that he still isn’t trying. ‘After Yang,’ the newest film from the rising auteur, is a poetic dive into A.I., consciousness and the search to feel something real — even if you’re an Asian android with a broken core

QAnon Is Eating Up Putin’s Anti-Ukraine Propaganda

After years of swallowing Russian disinformation, the conspiracist far right is all for the invasion

‘OK Computer’ Is How We Felt About the Internet Before It Devoured Us

Fearful of information overload, Thom Yorke conceived a record about technology and alienation. Twenty-five years later, its paranoid pre-Y2K vision hasn’t become dated, even though we all now begrudgingly live online

Three DMT Users Share — and Sketch Out — Their DMT Experience

Almost invariably, DMT puts users in touch with alien or god-like ‘entities.’ To better understand what they’re like, we had three people share their stories and draw the bizarre beings they encountered