
The Female ‘Yoko Ono’ Turtle That Toppled the Entire Ninja Turtle Empire

Within a year of her introduction, the Turtles were off television, out of the toy aisles and their co-creators would cease their long-running partnership. What did Venus De Milo do to her turtle brothers?

For 25 Years, We’ve Reduced ‘G.I. Jane’ to Demi Moore’s Shaved Head

Chris Rock’s disastrous Oscar joke about the 1997 drama reinforced its status as a cultural punchline. But at the time, the film was a flawed but fervent feminist statement — and its star’s attempt to gain some respect as an actress

The Far-Right Still Has a Rat Problem

Six men are on trial for the plot to kidnap and potentially kill Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Here’s how it all went wrong thanks to a series of snitches — and why the far-right’s rat problem is endemic to the cause

I Was the King of Counterfeit Concert Tickets

For years, Conor sold blinkers — aka fake tickets — to any live event you could imagine, bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process. Then technology got wise to him, and it all came tumbling down