Air Travel After Corona, Why This Ain’t No 9/11 (So Stop Comparing Them) and the Chris Benoit Redemption Tour

What’s flying gonna be like when this absolute shit storm has passed? Well, it could be terrible with only, like, two airlines — probably the…

Requiem for Ass-to-Ass, How Sonic the Hedgehog Messes With Your Sense of Smell and the Importance of Shitty Homemade Bread

Hey so, like a lot of you, months ago we had these grand plans for fun stuff we were going to do right around now…

The ‘Club Penguin’ Revival, Digital Quarantine Sex Parties and Copper As Coronavirus Killer

I’ve quietly spent the last 15 years playing a sort of knockoff, bootleg version of Neopets called Marapets. It’s exactly like Neopets except much more…

Sunday Reads: Shooting Your Shot on Instagram, At-Home Coronavirus Test Hoaxes and Data Viz for Your Quarantine Masturbation Habits

In case you aren’t aware, today is what was once known as “Sunday.” I have to mention that, because time is now an abstract construct!…