
The ‘Uncle Network’ of Men Volunteering to Help Women Access Abortion Care

Reddit’s Auntie Network is a forum dedicated to helping those in need of abortion services. Though it’s primarily made up of women, there are a few men who have offered their support, too

The Men Who Could Be Incels, But Choose to Be ‘Pussy-Free’ Instead

While incels have made a whole thing around hating women for not having sex with them, pussy-free betas have eroticized it, creating a growing community of joyfully sexless men who love the ladies who reject them

A Hoodie Isn’t Comfortable Until You’ve Suffered In It

It doesn’t matter what you spend on it or the kind of fabric it swaddles you in, life experience is the only thing that will truly give it the right kind of feels

What Do You Do When Your Partner Doesn’t Take Initiative?

It ain’t easy when your partner stops initiating sex, doing housework or scheduling dates. Here’s what it means when they stop putting in work and what experts (and redditors) think you should do about it