
The Crapper Dick Crackdown: America’s Undercover War on Gay Sex

For decades, local vice squads worked washrooms to entice gay men into illegal sex acts — until a trio of lawyers took the fight right back to the cops

How Homophobic, Unconstitutional Sodomy Laws Still Shape America

Many LGBTQ citizens still live with unconstitutional convictions under their states’ bygone sodomy laws. In Bayard Rustin’s name, the fight continues to finally wipe them off the books

Tabloids Can’t Take Away What Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson Meant to Queer Women

As the biggest lesbian celebrity couple of the ’00s, Lohan-Ronson represented affirmation, joy and visibility for LGBTQ teens — even as the media undermined them at every turn

When Guys ‘Experiment’ With Other Guys, Society Doesn’t Know What to Call Them

‘I expected to feel secure in my sexuality after it happened, but the complete opposite happened. I felt ashamed’