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Jeff Gross

Jeff Gross is MEL’s senior editor for social media and content marketing. His daily ICYMI column, which chronicles all things meta on the site, is the quickest way to catch up on MEL, and the funniest thing you’ll read all day. Follow him on Twitter.

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Encased You Missed It: Everything We’ve Got on the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is clearly the holiday to which all other holidays swear their undying allegiance. While Thanksgiving puts up a fight (the food!…

ICYMI: Male Allies in the Fight Over Reproductive Rights, the Problem with the New ‘Sicario’ and…

ICYMI: Male Allies in the Fight Over Reproductive Rights, the Problem with the New ‘Sicario’ and the Science of Bangovers

ICYMI: Male Allies in the Fight Over Reproductive Rights, the Problem with the New ‘Sicario’ and…

ICYMI: Male Allies in the Fight Over Reproductive Rights, the Problem with the New ‘Sicario’ and the Science of Bangovers