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Jeff Gross

Jeff Gross is MEL’s senior editor for social media and content marketing. His daily ICYMI column, which chronicles all things meta on the site, is the quickest way to catch up on MEL, and the funniest thing you’ll read all day. Follow him on Twitter.

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The Magical George Foreman Grill, Jonah Hill’s Tears and Straight Men v. Group Fitness Classes

For a straight guy like me, there are few situations more judge-y than an exercise class. I can’t put my finger on exactly why—it might…

The Myth of the Conservative Soldier, the Men Who Breast-Feed Their Babies and Mac’s Weird Body Issues on ‘It’s Always Sunny’

I just can’t wrap my mind around dudes nursing babies. I get that, as you’ll read in this piece, there’s a perfectly normal reason why…

ICYMI: Black-Market Bookies, Fetishizing Your Bartender and Everything Else From The Week That Was

Happy Sunday, everybody. So much great stuff to read this week, but first, let’s check out some of the stories I didn’t get to over…