Jeff Gross
Jeff Gross is MEL’s senior editor for social media and content marketing. His daily ICYMI column, which chronicles all things meta on the site, is the quickest way to catch up on MEL, and the funniest thing you’ll read all day. Follow him on Twitter.
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Atheists in AA, Conversations with a Real-Life ‘Tim Apple’ and the Flat-Earther Scheme to Sell You Some Goddamned T-Shirts
Gotta hand it to those Flat-Earth truthers, because just when I thought they couldn’t get any dumber, they go and do something like this… and…
An Ode to the ‘Butt Cut,’ How Venmo’s Changing the Vice Game and the Manufactured Anti-Feminist Outrage Surrounding ‘Captain Marvel’
In honor of the “Butt Cut” — the tragically unhip-yet-ubiquitous 1990s hairstyle that I, sadly, used to rock — as well as my perpetual desire…
‘Eating’ Olive Oil to Pwn the Workforce, The Death of the Power Suit and the Plummeting Value of A ‘Like’
I’d love to retire by 40 as much as the next overworked, underpaid millennial, but slurping on some olive oil to save a few dollars…