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A Day in the Life of BBW Porn Star Sofia Rose, Why ‘Funnymooning’ > Honeymooning and the Dudes with a ‘Time of the Month’

Man, women can’t even have a hormone cycle without guys coming in hot and claiming they’ve got a cycle, too? Smh.

WTF, guys?

Get off the ladies, I think they’ve got enough going on with all that cramping and blood to hear about how YOUR cycle is actually a cool thing that makes you horny af.

Must Read

“Don’t Call Sofia Rose a Fetish”
Did you think the ideal female-body type is thin, white and blonde, with medium-sized natural boobs? You might want to think again, because if the BBW porn star Sofia Rose’s skyrocketing popularity is any indication, people are now all about “thiccness,” a fact that’s forcing the entire adult film industry to question a long-held stereotype.

Tierney Finster spent a weekend in Miami last month shadowing Rose while she was meeting, greeting and cuddling with fans, witnessing firsthand how far the BBW genre — not fetish — has come, and where it’s headed. READ MORE

Spoiler Alert: ‘Us’

Normally, I’d use this section to give you a quote-by-quote breakdown of one of Tim Grierson’s masterful reviews of a movie currently in theaters or streaming. And, I would have loved to have done so for his latest, on Jordan Peele’s new horror flick, Us. But I’m torn, you see, because while I’d really like to do my job, I also really want to see the movie and would prefer not to read any spoilers beforehand, so you’ll just have to check it out yourself. My sincerest apologies.

Putting the ‘Soy’ in Soy Sauce

Soy sauce forms the basis for many East Asian cuisines, including that of a billion-plus Chinese people, making it possibly the world’s most important ingredient — an amazing fact when you consider how simple the stuff really is. But is that true? Is soy sauce the basic B of sauces? Let’s consider what’s actually in it:

Why yes, that appears to be pretty simple. But it’s in that second ingredient, soybeans, that soy sauce’s incredible complexity lies, a complexity that’s taken thousands of years to master.

The ‘Moons’ They Are A Changin’

There are all types of honeymoons out there: Buddymoons, ‘minimoons,’ and ‘solomoons,’ to name a few. But a new type of honeymoon — different from all the other moons — is gaining in popularity: The pre-wedding “funnymoon.” Miles Klee explains all the reasons why, if you were planning to do some jetsetting after your wedding, you might want to consider bumping up your travel dates to before your big day instead.

The ‘Shit Test’ Sucks

In the world of dating, there’s a persuasive stereotype that women enjoy pitting men against each other by talking openly about the other dudes they’re seeing, like some fucked-up, winner-take-me-home competition. This artificial-jealousy phenomenon is often pejoratively referred to by guys in the pick-up artist world as the “shit test.” Yet, while the shit test does exist, it isn’t just a “girl” thing. Guys often do it too. And no matter who’s doing it, no one comes out looking more attractive.

Let’s Sync Up

Are you a man in a relationship who’s libido seems extremely high for a few days a month? Don’t look now, but your hormone cycles might be attuned to those of your partner’s, meaning that when she’s ovulating, your body’s telling you it’s time to fuck. That’s the theory some guys are pushing on Reddit, and it’s not as far-fetched as it appears.

Sleeves for Days

Grunge-era style may be making a comeback, and sleeves are leading the charge. And by sleeves we mean the short sleeve-over-long sleeve T-shirt look, a look once popular with those taking all their style cues from the “Seattle sound.”

“I’ve been rocking with it a bunch this winter. I’m not totally sure why it’s coming back, but I think baggy is back, and it goes well with baggy looks.”

How Did They Sex?

The fact that we’re all here 70,000 years or whatever since the Dawn of Man means that humans have been fucking like rabbits for a really long time.

I know, super deep. But the real question boggling the minds of historians is, how have we been fucking? After all, tracing humanity’s sexual history is a lot like piecing together a complicated, three-dimensional puzzle in which half the pieces aren’t even visible. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of clues sexual historians can use to bring that history into focus.