
The Very American Rise of the Mass Shooter

Seamus McGraw’s new book, ‘From a Taller Tower,’ details how our culture of rage, victimhood, narcissism and love of guns has created an onslaught of violence that’s almost impossible to keep up with

Disgruntled Men Are Waging War on the Road By ‘Rolling Coal’

A Texas teen recently hit six cyclists after repeatedly blasting them with black smoke from a diesel-powered truck. It’s the logical end of a deeply stupid American tradition that’s grown in popularity in the last decade

Exposing the Roots of Violence in White Supremacy

Swedish sociologist Christer Mattsson explains how bloodshed serves as a bonding ritual for angry men demonstrating what they claim to be a primal male instinct

When White Supremacy Came for Larry Flynt

The ‘Hustler’ founder almost died for daring to publish photos of interracial sex