
Billion Dollar Babies: Get to Know the 50 Movies That Have Broken the Billion-Dollar Barrier

Now that ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ has joined this exclusive list of mega-moneymakers, we crunch the numbers to figure out what it takes for your movie to be a true blockbuster. (Hint: It helps to have Iron Man in it.)

I’m the Spanish Voice of Tom Cruise

For nearly 25 years, voice actor Arturo Mercado Jr. has dubbed Tom Cruise in almost every movie from ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ to ‘Top Gun: Maverick.’ But for him, it’s not just a job — it’s a family tradition

Ex-Couple Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise ‘Reunited’ to Introduce ‘Top Gun: Maverick’

Were the back-to-back messages an awkward juxtaposition, or charmingly in sync?

Val Kilmer’s ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Cameo Is Even More Poignant Once You’ve Watched His Documentary

Iceman is back on the big screen, but ‘Val’ illustrates what a long, hard road it’s been for the actor since the 1986 original