
The Crapper Dick Crackdown: America’s Undercover War on Gay Sex

For decades, local vice squads worked washrooms to entice gay men into illegal sex acts — until a trio of lawyers took the fight right back to the cops

What Happens to Black Activists When Cops Write the History Books?

Tommy Oliver talks about his HBO documentary ‘40 Years a Prisoner,’ which chronicles a deadly 1978 showdown between MOVE members and local law enforcement — and the effect it’s had on racist policing today

This Police Drama Is John Boyega’s Best Role to Date

After years of wasting his time in ‘Star Wars,’ Boyega takes on police reform in Steve McQueen’s ‘Red, White and Blue’

Abolish ICE. Abolish Homeland Security. There’s No Doubt Left.

Ernest Crosby III explains how these dysfunctional, dangerous institutions have grown to threaten our livelihood