
The Anti-Abortion Movement Was Always About a Race War

The debate about the rights of a pregnant person and an unborn fetus has raged for decades, but the origin of the American anti-abortion movement wasn’t built in good faith. Instead, it relied on right-wing organizing around fears of white extinction, which continues to fuel the anti-choice rage we see today

We Need to Talk About Contraception, Too

Banning abortion doesn’t stop it from happening — the only thing that prevents unwanted pregnancies is reducing the conditions that cause them in the first place. And for that, there are few things better than basic contraceptives

Concerned About Roe, These Women Are Turning to Sterilization

For women who don’t want children, sterilization is a safe and common option. But following the leaked Supreme Court decision, it’s taken on a new sense of direness and urgency

Can We Stop With the Coat Hanger Imagery?

With the continued availability of medication-based abortion in all 50 states — and its excellent safety record — there’s absolutely no reason we need to use such a gruesome, inaccurate symbol to fight for reproductive rights