
‘Fell In Love With a Girl’ Was the White Stripes’ Peak When the Mystery Still Remained

The Detroit duo rose to prominence in 2001 while playing coy about their romantic past, which made Jack White’s heartsick love songs all the more engrossing. But the mystique couldn’t last forever

The ‘Overseas General’ Romance Scam That Conned Elderly Women Out of A Million Dollars

A 51-year-old Nigerian man convinced numerous widows throughout the U.S. that he was an American general who needed their money to help get him out of the Middle East — and into their arms

Breaking Up After a Wedding Is the Most Relatable Thing Kendall Jenner Has Ever Done

If you’re one of the millions of people who’s gone to a wedding with their partner and realized you’re wrong together, join the Kendall Jenner club

Kendrick Lamar’s ‘We Cry Together’ Is Such a Disturbing Song About Relationships That Nobody Wants to Hear It

The abrasive duet just set a record for the biggest single-week drop on the Billboard charts. But the discomfort the track provokes is entirely the point — especially at a time when domestic abuse is all over the news