
The Ukrainian Creators Using OnlyFans As An Unexpected War Diary

While fleeing from their homes and under threat of attack, local models are using OnlyFans to update their subscribers about the situation on the ground and appeal to them for support

The Viral Stories of the Russian Soldiers Who Don’t Want to Fight

Across social media, videos of Russian soldiers lamenting the invasion — and their role in it — has lifted the fog of war to reveal a force that mostly just wants to go home

‘Gattaca’ Isn’t Simply Science-Fiction, It’s Middle School Science Curriculum

For many millennials, when it came to learning about genetic engineering, their teachers ditched the textbook and turned over the classroom to Ethan Hawke and Jude Law instead

The Family Tradition of Scientists Experimenting on Their Own Kids

Jonas Salk, for example, had no problem with giving his children an early dose of the polio vaccine he was perfecting