
The NASA Genius Biohacker Trying to Bring Gene Editing to Your Living Room

A conversation with Josiah Zayner, the renegade, DIY geneticist who’s gladly experimenting on himself in order to achieve his goal of ending human suffering

The Fake Strongmen of Instagram Have Only Gotten Bigger

Apparently all that phony weightlifting pays off — at least in terms of social media followers

Stupid Money: Can You Ever Be Ethical With Money in This Godforsaken Globalized World?

It seems like everything you could ever want to buy or invest in is morally, well, bankrupt. So what to do?

Let’s Not Advocate For Hooking Up With People in Their Most Vulnerable Life Stage

We tell comedians to punch up and not down, and bullies to pick on people their own size. We should also apply this logic to…