
Why Are We Still Putting Little People in R2-D2?

A little person activist, a droid expert and Jimmy Vee himself — the man currently inside R2 — weigh in

Inside the World of Guide Dog Dropouts

In this highly competitive training, pup perfection is demanded — and not every student can make it to graduation. Here's what happens to the still very good boys who need a sudden ‘career change.’

Strangers Assume His Fiancée Is His Nurse

What’s life like in an interabled relationship? MEL chats with YouTube star and author Shane Burcaw — newly engaged to his partner Hannah Aylward

How the World’s Strongest Amputee Lifts All That Record-Setting Weight

‘I channel my rage. And this rage isn’t about the injury I suffered in Afghanistan. The rage I channel arises from the pain I know I’ll experience when I attempt the lift.’