You Should Be Grateful Your Girl Washes Her Vulva in Your Bathroom Before Sex
We’re not using your old Nike socks like a new meme implies, but yeah, every now and then, we freshen up with whatever soap you’ve got lying around. And if it makes us smell like pomegranate Dial, so be it
What Is It About Bedding That Men Can’t Stand to Wash?
While a majority of single women wash their sheets every two weeks, most single men say theirs hit the laundry every four months. What is going on here?
‘Fell In Love With a Girl’ Was the White Stripes’ Peak When the Mystery Still Remained
The Detroit duo rose to prominence in 2001 while playing coy about their romantic past, which made Jack White’s heartsick love songs all the more engrossing. But the mystique couldn’t last forever
The Cougars Who Raise Their Cubs to Be Better Men
Younger men don’t just grow sexually and romantically with their older partners — they say they’re also getting better jobs, learning how to take care of themselves and moving up in the world