
Can Leo Save the Pangolin? DiCaprio Battles Organized Crime in a Movie-Worthy Trafficking Saga

Wildlife smuggling is a multibillion-dollar industry controlled in part by multinational crime syndicates. One powerful global figure on a crusade to halt it: Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio

When Animals Fight Each Other, Do They Go for the Balls?

Never fuck with llamas — they have special teeth just for nutsac removal

Congrats, the Most Constipated Animal Isn’t You

A trash-eating lizard found by researchers in Florida breaks the all-time record by being almost 80 percent full of shit

What Does Chewbacca’s Hair Care Routine Look Like?

A hair stylist, a dog groomer, a ‘Star Wars’ writer and a Chewie cosplayer weigh in on how the galaxy’s favorite copilot maintains his luscious mane