Zaron Burnett III
Zaron Burnett is an investigative journalist and longform features writer based in Los Angeles. He covers culture, politics, race, and other perplexing mysteries for MEL.
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The Truth of Hank Aaron Is Far More Powerful Than the Legend
The former home run king taught me early on that America doesn’t celebrate all its heroes, preferring to erase or mythologize its past instead
Finn Deserved Better — And So Did Black ‘Star Wars’ Fans
‘Disney better not screw this up,’ I thought. We all know what happened next. Of course, there was an easy fix all along.
The Blackest Thing About Me Is That I’ve Never Gotten the Flu Shot
…Until now. It’s a journey to trust a medical system that’s been historically detrimental to Black American health. But change is afoot — in the form of an unconventional barbershop campaign