
The Poignant Pointlessness of ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’

The director returns to his mangled magnum opus, proving that his original vision was far better than Joss Whedon’s. But it’s in service to a view of superheroes (and comic-book movies) that already feels outdated.

A Marvelous History of Vision’s Penis

Starting with: Does he even have one?

Why Are Marvel Heroes Such a Meme for Bankrobbers?

Iron Man is on the lam in Florida. Captain America got unlucky in Kentucky. The Hulk smashes into a bank — and robs it. Don’t criminals ever wear DC masks?

WandaVision’s Lazy Nostalgia Isn’t as Smart as It Thinks

The MCU’s first television series wants to point out that picket-fence America isn’t as innocent as it appears. But it’s not so much an indictment of nostalgia as a cynical exploitation of it