
We Were All Rooting for ‘America’s Next Top Model.’ Now We’re Holding It Accountable.

‘ANTM,’ but make it 2020. The backlash to the iconic show is growing louder — but don’t confuse criticism for cancellation

HBO’s ’90s Docuseries ‘Real Sex’ Was Ahead of Its Time

Hot and uncensored, undeniably eccentric, with a surprising left hook of genuinely empathetic sex scholarship. How did HBO get it so… right?

Before I Was Adult Star Tasha Reign, I Was Rachel Swimmer From ‘Laguna Beach’

My town is known for creating wholesome reality stars, but I’m the only one who took to the Hills to become the princess of porn

The Hills’ Series Finale Is a Meta Masterpiece That Will Never Be Matched

Sure, we all kind of knew ‘The Hills’ (and reality TV in general) was fake. But to have the ending of the show shout that out in such an overt way was genius.