
The Stolen Olympic Valor of This Major Marvel Supervillain

Marvel claims that Todd Arliss (aka Tiger Shark) is the Bo Jackson of the pool — capturing gold medals in both swimming and diving. But the University of Florida swim and dive coaches say that this implausible even by comic book standards

Eileen Gu Is Not Your Political Pawn

The 18-year-old skiing queen is soaring off her gold-medal performance. But why is the online discourse so full of racism, scolding and bizarre interpretations of her life?

Make the Keg Stand an Olympic Sport, You Cowards

We must not be afraid of greatness

The World’s Most Controversial Sport? Racewalking

It might move slower — and more goofy — than most other athletic competitions, but the razor-thin margin for disqualification has led to epic protests and continues to make the sport no walk in the park