
A 16-Year-Old Repeatedly Rejected a Coworker’s Advances. Then, Police Say, He Murdered Her

It’s one of a number of recent stories of entitled men throughout the world taking revenge on women who rebuff them romantically — violent retribution that incel forums cheer on from afar

The CrimeDoor App Is the Absolute Worst of True Crime

Could anything be more grotesque than profiting off virtual death tours of the tragic murder scenes of everyone from John Lennon to Nicole Brown-Simpson to Jesus Christ himself?

Truck-Driving Serial Killers and the Deadly Freeways They Hunt

It really is the recipe for the perfect crime — thousands of miles of open road, truckers who are never in one place for long and victims law enforcement views as disposable. It’s why such big-rig murderers have been able to hide — and drive — in plain sight for decades

Lies, Bribes and Catholic Rites: The Dentist Accused of Killing His Wife on an African Safari

After Bianca Rudolph was found with a major gun-shot wound to her chest, Zambian police determined her death to be an accident. But numerous suspicious elements of the case have turned it into a multi-year murder investigation — and her husband of 34 years into the main suspect