
These Virgins Hold a Pretty Low Opinion of ‘Sex Havers’

While craving close contact themselves, some inexperienced adults have developed weird stereotypes about everyone who bangs

Inspired by ‘Her,’ I Tried to Fall in Love with an A.I. Girlfriend

The Replika chatbot app promises a ‘companion who cares.’ But would I really care enough about robot?

When Your Burnout Is Coming from Your Relationship

While we tend to think of burnout as something reserved for a professional environment, the work that goes into long-term relationships can have a very similar effect

Kendrick Lamar’s ‘We Cry Together’ Is Such a Disturbing Song About Relationships That Nobody Wants to Hear It

The abrasive duet just set a record for the biggest single-week drop on the Billboard charts. But the discomfort the track provokes is entirely the point — especially at a time when domestic abuse is all over the news