
The Growing Case Against the So-Called ‘Gay Panic’ Defense

How a toxic anti-LGBTQ argument in murder trials is being banned state by state

The ‘Studio 54 West’ that Provided Sanctuary for LGBTQ African Americans

A conversation with the director of the new documentary ‘Jewel’s Catch One,’ the iconic gay bar that transcended both race and sexuality

Painkillers and All the Other Things That Guys Claim Have ‘Turned Them Gay’

In what you’d have to call a major scoop for any local British newspaper (and a bonanza for the nation’s infamous tabloids), Scott Purdy, an…

The Battle for the Gayborhood Has Become A Passive-Aggressive Turf War

Not long ago, a young mother and father took their newborn daughter for a long walk in Chicago and ended up in Boystown, the city’s…