What Will Those Battle Rope Things Do for Me?
I would like to get my heart rate up, but they sound... rather aggressive?
When America’s First Family of Fitness Duped the Country with Its Bogus Weight-Loss Device
Without a doubt, many of the products sold by Joe Weider, his brother Ben and his wife Betty were totally reputable. But in the 1970s, their mail-order ‘Body Shaper’ landed them in considerable hot water
If I Only Have 10 Minutes to Work Out, What Exercises Should I Do?
It’s not an ideal amount of time, but it’s also just enough to train every body part over the course of a week
Get It While It’s Hot: The Weight-Training Tool You Need to Build Practical Strength
The CAP Barbell Olympic Trap Bar is currently on sale for about a third of its normal price. Getting your groceries into the house will never prove taxing again