
Firefighters Are Facing the Heat of a New Five-Alarm Threat — Testicular Cancer

The smoke and soot from the blazes they battle put them at twice the risk of developing testicular cancer as the average guy — an occupational hazard that they’ve spent the last few years doing everything they can to extinguish

How California’s Inmate Firefighter Program Exploits Its Heroes

While incarcerated, they save lives. Once freed, they’re blocked from continuing their career — all but insuring they fail on the outside. As the prison system profits, Golden State prisoners are thrust into a literal trial by fire.

The Man Who Beat Back the California Wildfires with Nothing But a Case of Bud Light

And he's just the latest in a foamy, smoky history of men fighting fire with beer

The Revolt Against Cops Has Reignited a Five-Alarm Firefighter Fetish

Firefighters have always been smoking-hot, but as police continue to murder and maim, people are finding them extra mouthwatering lately. The thing is, they aren’t always as fit, perfect or pure as we want them to be either.