‘Big Daddy’ Marked the Moment Adam Sandler Started to Grow Up
Steve Franks, the screenwriter behind the hit 1999 film, explains how the script he wrote while working with animatronic birds at Disneyland ended up becoming a pivotal moment in Sandler’s literal on-screen maturation
A 16-Year-Old Repeatedly Rejected a Coworker’s Advances. Then, Police Say, He Murdered Her
It’s one of a number of recent stories of entitled men throughout the world taking revenge on women who rebuff them romantically — violent retribution that incel forums cheer on from afar
100 Pieces of Fatherly Advice from Real-Life Dads
Number 63: Remember that you’re not supposed to have all the answers
Sex Workers on Their So-Called ‘Daddy Issues’: A Roundtable Discussion
There’s a common assumption that sex workers enter the industry because of absent or abusive fathers and families, but as these seven famous sex workers can attest, that’s really not always the case