
The Hunt for D.B. Cooper, the 20th Century’s Greatest Outlaw, Lives On

John Dower, director of ‘The Mystery of D.B. Cooper,’ explains why he’s not interested in unraveling the skyjacker’s true identity — even though several people believe they know who was behind the heist

John Belushi and the Cliché of the Celebrity Overdose

The compassionate Showtime documentary ‘Belushi’ depicts a brilliant comedian destroyed by his appetites. It’s a sad narrative — but, man, it’s the same movie we’ve seen a million times

This Is a True Dystopian Healthcare System. And It Still Beats America’s.

Alexander Nanau’s new documentary ‘Collective’ chronicles a fatal health-care coverup in Romania and the brave activists who took on the system as the government let its people die

The HBO Filmmaker Attempting to Make Sense of His Mom — And Her Murder

Madison Hamburg talks about addiction, absent fathers and his moving new series ‘Murder on Middle Beach’