
The Origin Story of Will Smith, King of Fourth of July

In the mid-1990s, the sitcom star and hip-hop lightweight was simply the Fresh Prince. But with ‘Independence Day,’ he remade himself as one of the all-time best summer action heroes.

Why Weren’t the Racist Robots in ‘Transformers 2’ Canceled by the End Credits?

With Skids and Mudflap, Michael Bay wanted to introduce some hip new Autobot characters that could appeal to kids. What he ended up with were offensive Black stereotypes as comic relief.

The Most Impressive Real Stuff Blown Up in the Name of Blockbuster Movie-Making

Trains, planes, automobiles, factories, jungles, giant decorative fish tanks — no object is too big to stop an action movie director from making it go KABLOOEY

The Gnarliest Injuries Actors Have Sustained Performing Their Own Stunts

Is an actor really serious about their craft if they don’t visit the emergency room at least once?