
Peggy Noonan Shreds Trump — With 1950s Masculinity Norms

The left has been publishing deeply personal Trump takedowns since before he secured the GOP’s presidential nomination. It didn’t help much, as we can see,…

The Young Libertarian Blogger Who Wants to Be the Future of the Far Right

How a boy from the California foothills became the blogging, weight-lifting, red-pilling, Western Civ-defending, Paleo-dieting 21-year-old behind ‘The Revolutionary Conservative’

‘Get Me Roger Stone’ Shows There’s Nothing Redeemable About the Longtime Republican Operative

The movies have no shortage of entertaining bastards. From Gene Hackman’s Lex Luthor to Michael Douglas’ Gordon Gekko to Tom Cruise’s raging misogynist Frank T.J….

Yes, Women Are Making Nearly All the Protest Calls to Congress in the Trump Resistance

We’ve told you about liberal women who are dating or married to otherwise progressive, supportive men, but who find that they (the women) are doing…