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The Genesis of Alien Ant Farm’s ‘Smooth Criminal,’ Mayo Steaks and Why We’re Horny for Sam Elliott’s Brand of Masculinity

I still remember where I was when I heard Alien Ant Farm’s regrettable (yet somewhat legendary?) cover of Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal”: Sitting in traffic on the 405 in L.A. on the way home from a swim workout, wondering why, oh why, was the nümetal scourge now infecting good music — and not just wallowing in its own shit at Woodstock ’99, or at a Criss Angel magic show — and how I could possible like this particular corner of it.

Little did I know — as I do now — that a lot of blood, sweat and hair gel was spilled bringing that heretical masterpiece to my teenage eardrums. Mad respect to the boys at the Ant Farm.

The Untold Story of Alien Ant Farm’s ‘Smooth Criminal’


In Praise of the Gentle Masculinity of Sam Elliott

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