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Tierney Finster

Tierney Finster is a journalist, screenwriter, actor and model from Los Angeles, California. She is a contributing writer at MEL, specializing in love, sex, mental health, drugs, queer culture and the cannabis industry. She has written for publications such as Playboy, Purple, Dazed and Confused, Jezebel and Broadly and was the key researcher behind Sex On, HBO’s revival of its iconoclastic docu-series Real Sex.

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Why We Leave Condoms by the Wayside When We Get Turned On

Research shows that when people get turned on, playing it safe is the last thing on their mind

Vanilla for Valentine’s Day?

Forget oysters and fancy chocolates. Vanilla is key to primal attraction

An Unexpected Muse

Condoms aren’t exactly glamorous. So why do so many rappers namecheck them in their songs?