Name: Andrew*
Age: 45
From: Florida
Fetish: Cigarette smoking
When did you first realize that smoking turned you on?
I credit a girl in my middle school French class with stoking my interest. She and one of her friends would sneak out behind the back door of our school and smoke cigarettes. When she came back to class, she would sit behind me and whisper in my ear while rubbing her nails up and down my neck. Her breath always smelled like smoke. I didn’t learn much French, but I definitely learned how attractive I found cigarette smoking.
That’s all it took — a dose of smoker’s breath?
I also loved the scene at the end of Grease when Olivia Newton John comes out as Bad Sandy and smokes a cigarette. But that probably had something to do with her hotpants, high heels and hair, too.
Are you a smoker yourself?
I’ve smoked off-and-on throughout my adult life — primarily Marlboros. I’ve only tried quitting three times. Currently, I’ve been off cigarettes for a little more than a year. Whenever I quit, I become much more obsessed with seeing women with their cigarettes and smelling their smoke.

What do you like most about watching a woman smoke? Smoking is rebellious. It’s a symbol for women who don’t follow society’s rules, which appeals to many aspects of my personality and sexuality. I also love the uniqueness of smoking, from the brand of cigarettes to when she chooses to smoke them to her mannerisms while smoking. Every aspect is subtly unique.
“I can see lipstick stains better on a white filter. That’s a big thing for me.”
Is there a particular way a woman smokes that’s most appealing?
I like when a woman enjoys smoking and doesn’t care who objects. She wants to smoke because she likes to do it. Smoking is a demonstration of her own authority and freedom to be who she wants to be.
I’m also into specific rituals and mannerisms. For instance, I love when a woman is dangling a cigarette from her mouth while fishing through her purse for a lighter. I love lighting women’s cigarettes, too; it’s an intimate moment that’s all about eye contact. Finally, I love when a woman is smoking while she’s driving her car and/or the image of a black glove holding a cigarette.
Which brand of cigarettes do you find sexiest?
As a teenager, I was riveted by Virginia Slims and their ad campaigns, which were without a doubt the pinnacle of my fetish. Beyond that, I have a preference for women who smoke all white cigarettes instead of the kind with a brown or cork filter. Similarly, I used to have a preference for women who smoked 100-millimeter cigarettes rather than the short ones.

Why does the white filter matter?
I can see lipstick stains better on a white filter. That’s a big thing for me.
Do you enjoy seeing a certain color of lipstick?
Burgundy. A dark red color is sexy, too. But it depends on the woman.
Do you seek out porn that involves women smoking?
Many companies produce smoking fetish porn, but I prefer natural smoking. A lot of smoking porn is too contrived and over-the-top for me. The people who make it produce it to their own fetish ideal. They direct women to smoke in the exact way that gets them hot. I’m more interested in a woman having her own smoking experience. So it’s more erotic for me to watch a movie where a female character smokes — when she just happens to be smoking.
“I like a constant asher. For me, if a woman lets the ash grow long, it means she’s not paying enough attention to the experience of smoking.”
Can you tell by the way an actress smokes in a movie whether or not she’s a smoker in real life?
Easily. It’s kind of annoying if someone isn’t a smoker and pretends to be one for roles, especially since so many talented and attractive female actresses do smoke. When Maxim did their Hot 100 list a couple of years ago, I researched it and found that eight of the top 10 women were smokers, which is amazing because, statistically, smokers make up less than 20 percent of the population.
Jennifer Love Hewitt annoys me the most. For a while, she kept getting cast in movies like Heartbreakers and Confessions of A Sociopathic Social Climber where she was supposed to be a smoker, but she was so awkward with a cigarette.
Have you dated a lot of smokers?
I’ve only dated one woman who didn’t smoke during the course of our relationship. They’ve all been smokers except for her. I’ve also dated women who quit smoking during our relationship.
Is that when you break up with them?
No. That’s never ended any of my relationships.
“Part of me wishes I had a fetish for women licking lollipops or something. But I don’t.”
When you’re kissing a woman, do you like her mouth to taste like cigarettes?
I do. The taste of cigarettes in her mouth and smell of smoke in her hair can be a turn-on. I just don’t like it to be overpowering or dirty smelling.
Do you ever ask women to smoke while you’re having sex with them?
Yes. My favorite is when she’s sitting on top of me and smoking. I also like when women smoke while we’re having sex doggy-style. That way I can see her whole body and the cigarette burning at the same time.
What are your feelings about ash?
I like a constant asher. For me, if a woman lets the ash grow long, it means she’s not paying enough attention to the experience of smoking. She’s distracted. I’m also a clean freak so I find ash unappealing.
Does that mean you’re into the cleanest kind of smoking available — e-cigarettes?
Not all. They’re not my interest whatsoever. The same goes for cigars, pipes and marijuana. I like strong, smart and powerful women; I believe weed dulls some of that. As for why I don’t like e-cigarettes, they don’t look real enough. They’re just so mechanical. Even the ones that are made to look like a cigarette don’t. I also find the smell of eCigs annoying, especially when a group of people are all smoking them.
I do know there’s a growing number of eCig fetishists out there. Most of them are big fans of the large volume exhales that you can get with the newer box-like eCig machines. I suspect some of them also think that eCigs aren’t as unhealthy — so they don’t feel as guilty about enjoying watching a woman vape as watching a woman smoke.
Do you ever feel guilty for getting off on such an unhealthy behavior?
Clearly, smoking isn’t healthy. Now that I’ve gotten older and am more concerned with living a long, healthy life, part of me wishes I had a fetish for women licking lollipops or something. But I don’t. So I block out the parts that make me feel bad and keep the focus on the things I love about it.
*Name has been changed