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C. Brian Smith

C. Brian Smith writes hard-hitting gonzo features for MEL, whether it be training with a masturbation coach, receiving psycho corporal treatment from a spank therapist, or embarking on a week-long pleasure cruise with 75 Santa Clauses following their busy season.


The Drug Rehab Rewiring Addicts’ Brains with Yoga, CrossFit and Surfing

Within hours of arriving at Tree House Recovery, an all-male alcohol and drug treatment center in Costa Mesa, CA, Brian was clinging to a 12-foot…

I Had JetBlue Deliver Me Pizzas I Ordered from 3,000 Miles Away

Its ‘Pie in the Sky’ promotional stunt is a worthy entry in the annals of pizza delivery—and probably the future of how food will appear at your doorstep

The Future of Menswear Used to Get You Knifed

When Jay McCauley Bowstead stumbled into an Army Navy store bathroom next to a train station in East London, he could see his teeth through…