
People Are Getting Drunk at Police Stations for ‘DUI Research’

At so-called ‘alcohol workshops,’ cops let people get drunk, play board games and eat pizza so they can guess exactly how sloshed they might be during DUI stops

Joey Swoll Is Fighting for a Judgment-Free Gym

The fitness model and TikToker has racked up three million followers for his lessons on gym etiquette and respect, showing off the right way to uplift others through joyful gains

Roasting Rude British People Is America’s New Favorite Meme

There’s only one appropriate reply when Brits come at us for our absurdly frequent school shootings and terrible health insurance: this meme

It’s No Longer Sex Ed’s Fault Men Can’t Find the Clit — It’s Theirs

Sure, men not being able to ‘find the clit’ was funny the first 10,000 times, but as a series of recent TikToks proves, it’s now just kind of sad